Brand Messaging & Website
LMB DigiMarketing
LMB DigiMarketing specializes in all things email marketing automation. Founder, Laine, has been in digital marketing since that was barely a thing, with a list of certifications as long as her arm. When we got to know each other, she told me something I hear a lot: “I wish I’d met you 6 months ago.”
Laine had been working on updating her own messaging and website. And despite both her marketing expertise, and a substantial sunk cost of time and money, the words weren’t where she needed them to be. And she needed to get back to billable work! When she heard about my Messaging Deep Dives – and how affordable they are compared to what she’d already invested on DIY and DWY avenues – she asked me to help her get out of her own way. (Oh, how I see you, fellow marketing professionals!)
We focused on getting the word foundations right, which Laine could then send to her web design/dev guy. (Freelancers unite, asynchronously, across multiple timezones!) We started with a Brand Messaging Deep Dive to dig up and clarify her brand’s voice, value, and most compelling positioning. With the hard part done, I wrote personality-filled website copy that made her services and their value super easy to understand.
While the website continues to evolve with Laine’s business, it’s a cornerstone that’s given her a lot more confidence in marketing her work. (And saved her time explaining the technical stuff!) She’s doing more speaking gigs than ever, getting more press, and building visibility and authority in line with her level of expertise and service. Go, Laine, go!
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